Seminar: From George Washington to Donald Trump

Kurzfristig bietet sich noch die überaus attraktive Möglichkeit, ein Seminar über die USA bei einem US-amerikanischen Dozenten zu belegen. Es handelt sich um das Seminar "From George Washington to Donald Trump: Changes in U.S. Society, Media, and Government" von Paul Kent Dezendorf. Das Seminar findet im Zeitraum vom 20.01. bis 03.03.2023 freitags von 14-17 Uhr via Zoom statt. Link zum LSF: 

Kommentar: The U.S. 2022 elections are a critical contest for America. Conservatives and extremists may take control of the U.S. House, Senate, majority of state governments, and American foreign policy with long-term consequences. This course describes how the elections are being influenced by changes including Trumpism, mass media evolution, disinformation, increased political extremism of both parties, social polarization, injustice and inequities, and the growth of 'untruth'. The course also describes one example of those changes--the inadequate U.S. response to the Covid pandemic. The course concludes with a description of Election 2022 and a prediction for the winners.


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