Blockseminar eines US-Gastdozenten zu den US-Wahlen!

Professor Dezendorf war schon im vergangenen Sommersemester zu Gast an unserer PH. Dieses Jahr plant er eine hochinteressante Simulation mit Blick auf die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen. Hierfür benötigt er verlässliche Anmeldezahlen: Bei Interesse melden Sie sich daher bitte schon jetzt bei Herrn Weber-Stein ( für diese Veranstaltung an.

Paul Dezendorf:
The Upcoming U.S. elections with a special view on the National Conventions (Blockseminar) 

  • 12./13 Juni 2020
  • 19./20. Juni 2020
  • 26./27. Juni 2020
  • 3./4. Juli 2020
Die genauen Kurszeiten werden noch bekannt gegeben


The course will be structured around the two large American political events of summer 2020: the Democratic National Convention July 13-16 and the Republican National Convention August 24-27. The debate at the Conventions will be simulated in the seminar.

Part 1. Lecture and discussion of the Democratic Party’s platform and candidates--why do these people have support? From what groups? What policies interest the party and Americans? – Each of the students will have a portfolio from me of information about their candidate, area, or group. We will review each of their portfolios.

Part 2. The Democratic National Convention in Ludwigsburg! Group discussion/debate about the candidates. Candidates will make their brief presentations. Each of the other candidates can respond. The remaining students can question or raise issues based on their portfolio.

Part 3 and Part 4 same pattern with the Republicans.


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