Literaturliste zum Thema Separatismus

Die letzten beiden Tage habe ich (v.a. mittels WorldCat) eine Literaturrecherche zum Thema Separatismus / Sezession / Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen durchgeführt, um die wichtigsten einzelfallübergreifenden Bücher und damit die zentrale Literatur zur wissenschaftlichen Debatte der Thematik zu identifizieren (die Literatur für eine Fallstudie findet man demgegenüber recht leicht). Sollten wichtige Titel in der folgenden Liste fehlen, bitte ich um einen Hinweis in den Kommentaren oder per E-Mail.

Literatur zum Thema Separatismus

Bartkus, Viva Ona (1999), The Dynamic of Secession, Cambridge University Press.

Béland, Daniel / Lecours, André (2008), Nationalism and Social Policy. The Politics of Territorial Solidarity, Oxford University Press.

Belser, Eva Maria u.a. (2015), States Falling Apart? Secessionist and Autonomy Movements in Europe, Stämpfli Verlag.

Buchanan, Allen / Macedo, Stephen (Hg.) (2003), Secession and Self-Determination. Nomos XLV, New York University Press.

Butt, Ahsan I. (2017), Secession and Security. Explaining State Strategy Against Separatists, Cornell University Press.

Cabestan, Jean-Pierre / Pavkovic, Aleksandar (Hg.) (2013), Secessionism and Separatism in Europe and Asia. To Have a State of One's Own, Routledge.

Calle, Luis de la (2015), Nationalist Violence in Postwar Europe, Cambridge University Press.

Cheetham, Tom / Hewitt, Christopher (2000), Encyclopedia of Modern Separatist Movements, ABC-Clio.

Closa, Carlos (Hg.) (2017), Secession from a Member State and Withdrawal from the European Union. Troubled Membership, Cambridge University Press.

Coggins, Bridget (2014), Power Politics and State Formation in the Twentieth Century. The Dynamics of Recognition, Cambridge University Press.

Doyle, Don H. (Hg.) (2010), Secession as an International Phenomenon. From America's Civil War to Contemporary Separatist Movements, University of Georgia Press.

Duerr, Glen M.E. (2015), Secessionism and the European Union. The Future of Flanders, Scotland, and Catalonia, Lexington Books.

Engelhardt, Marc (Hg.) (2015), Unabhängigkeit! Separatisten verändern die Welt, Ch. Links Verlag.

Espinosa, Juan Francisco Escudero (2017), Self-Determination and Humanitarian Secession in International Law of a Globalized World. Kosovo v. Crimea, Springer.

Griffiths, Ryan D. (2016), Age of Secession. The International and Domestic Determinants of State Birth, Cambridge University Press.

Huszka, Beáta (2014), Secessionist Movements and Ethnic Conflict. Debate-Framing and Rhetoric in Independence Campaigns, Routledge.

Kingsbury, Damien / Laoutides, Costas (Hg.) (2015), Territorial Separatism in Global Politics. Causes, Outcomes and Resolution, Routledge.

Kohen, Marcelo G. (Hg.) (2006), Secession. International Law Perspectives, Cambridge University Press.

Laible, Janet (2008), Separatism and Sovereignty in the New Europe. Party Politics and the Meanings of Statehood in a Supranational Context, Palgrave Macmillan.

Laoutides, Costas (2015), Self-Determination and Collective Responsibility in the Secessionist Struggle, Ashgate Publishing.

Lehning, Percy B. (Hg.) (1998), Theories of Secession, Routledge.

Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen / Requejo, Ferran (Hg.) (2015), Politics of Religion and Nationalism. Federalism, Consociationalism and Seccession, Routledge.

Pavkovic, Aleksandar / Primoratz, Igor (Hg.) (2006), Identity, Self-Determination and Secession, Ashgate Publishing.

Pavkovic, Aleksandar / Radan, Peter (Hg.) (2007), Creating New States. Theory and Practice of Secession, Ashgate Publishing.

Pavkovic, Aleksandar / Radan, Peter (Hg.) (2008), On the Way to Statehood. Secession and Globalization, Ashgate Publishing.

Pavkovic, Aleksandar / Radan, Peter (Hg.) (2011), The Ashgate Research Companion to Secession, Ashgate Publishing.

Roth, Christopher R. (2015), Let's split! A Complete Guide to Separatist Movements and Aspirant Nations, from Abkhazia to Zanzibar, Litwin Books.

Sorens, Jason (2012), Secessionism. Identity, Interest, and Strategy, McGill-Queen's University Press.

Spencer, Metta (Hg.) (1998), Separatism. Democracy and Disintegration, Rowman & Littlefield Pulishers.

Walter, Christian u.a. (Hg.) (2014), Self-Determination and Secession in International Law, Oxford University Press.

Wellman, Christopher Heath (2005), A Theory of Secession. The Case for Political Self-Determination, Cambridge University Press.


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